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September 3, 2015 / bonniesavage

New Folio Shoot

I finally found the time to shoot some new work for my folio – there’s always an excuse to put these ideas on the back burner.

These were shot with a stylist and good friend Tina Vanspall of Vintage Movement here in Melbourne.

meringue with berries looking dark and moody A cake with pink icing  looking dark and moody

I find shooting personal work can be more difficult that commercial jobs sometimes as there are no perimeters, the sky is the limit to the style and execution of the work. For this shoot we were going for a vintage messy theme so Tina whipped up some new backgrounds and we made good use of some new props we have collected on our travels.

Flat lay image of green and blue scene

August 29, 2014 / bonniesavage

New York On Film

Here are some images I shot on a Diana plastic camera in New York that I have just had developed.

Streets of New York, QuestloveLiquor Store in New YorkThe streets of New YorkCentral parkNew York Street Art

I spent all of my university degree and nearly all my assisting days shooting on various formats of film cameras.

While shooting on a plastic camera is really nothing like a proper film camera with aperture and shutter speed control, I still really loved the spontaneity of not being able to instantly see every frame that I took. I also loved film’s restriction of only shooting one or two frames at a time – rather than a million frames as sometimes happens when shooting digital.

June 17, 2014 / bonniesavage

100 Food Shots For Sunday Life Mag

I have been shooting a different plate of food at a different Melbourne restaurant for 2 years now. Every single week for two years – thats a lot of restaurants and a lot of food! The images are part of a regular column in The Age’s Sunday Life magazine.

Boney, Hammer & TongLee Ho Fuk, Eureeka 89


I’ve loved getting out there a finding new places and discovering new food. I thought I would celebrate the milestone of shooting 100 restaurants (even though I’ve shot a few more than that by the time I’ve sat down to write this blog post) by sharing with you some of my favourites.

Lezzet, Horn Please

Sezar, Cumulus



Of course, without a doubt, I always eat the food that I photograph!


Collingwood Children's farm, Hanoi Hannah

Eureeka 89, Little Hunter



March 12, 2014 / bonniesavage

Kylie Kwong Postage Stamp

Recently I had one of my portraits selected for a postage stamp for Australia Post. I’m pretty excited about this as it’s always been something in the back of my mind that I wanted to do.


It’s part of a series called ‘Australian Legends’ which features Australian Chefs, you can see the rest of the series here .



December 3, 2013 / bonniesavage

Momentum Energy Advertising shoot

Last month I photographed the stills as part of Momentum Energy’s ‘Try The Switch’ campaign for Melbourne advertising agency t20 group. It was a three day shoot alongside a tvc production company The Directors Group

This is the third campaign I have shot for Momentum Energy and all of them have been really different which has been great. The billboards are up now as well as press ads in newspapers and other publication. If you want to see the tvc that accompanies these stills you can see it here

Billboard of Momentum Energy

This was another image from the series that I was really happy with.

Energy photography campaign image

October 14, 2013 / bonniesavage

Building a folio

It’s been a busy year for me here at BSP and I’m well overdue for a folio update. This is always a difficult task as I often find that I am attached to certain images and am desperate to put them in my book but sometimes they just don’t fit. So I spend many days deliberating over it and having conversations both with myself and others on what should stay in and what should go.

The first step for me is to get small prints of everything that I feel might make it into my new folio and lay them out on the floor so I can see it all together.


Then I try to look at which images stand out as being the strongest, most interesting and appropriate, and also which images I feel will best fit together. The connection between the images could be anything from their mood, subject matter, texture, or colour. At this stage I start organising them into groups and eventually line them up into some kind of connected order.


Then I think about it for probably far too long!

I love having a printed folio to accompany my website as a marketing tool. In my opinion, people spend so much of their day stuck in front of a computer (like you and me right now) that it’s nice to have the opportunity to look at prints and to actually have a conversation instead of always communicating online or on the phone. I will never stop producing a printed folio…

Bonnie Savage looking at her print organising the new folio

November 16, 2012 / bonniesavage

Experimental Folio Shoot

Stylist Lisa La Barbera and I had a lot of fun putting these images together. We shot at The Establishment Studios which is a beautiful props hire place that also has some really lovely spaces to shoot in.

Purple Cabbages

Old beautiful trunks

These images were not commissioned, they are the result of some exploration of propping, lighting and composition that lisa and I were working on. I really love the narrative feel that they have and the subtle use of colour in them.

July 18, 2012 / bonniesavage

Borsch, Vodka and Tears Cookbook

Here is a vodka drenched Polish cookbook I shot for publishers Hardie Grant. It was based around a restaurant in Melbourne called Borsch, Vodka and Tears who are a south side institution.

These are a few of my favourite spreads from the book, and some behind the scenes pics as well.

Hugh Ford designed the book, Benny Roff wrote it and prepped the food at the shoot for us, and the lovely Sarah De Nardi did the styling.

Front cover of the book

The brief was to be a little messy which is great for me because I love shooting my food to look a little moody and gritty. The shoot was a week long and boy did I learn a lot about Polish food.

Preparation of a champagne cocktail

Two cocktails

Table full of polish vodka varieties

Food Stylist Sarah De Nardi (left) and Editor Lucy Heaver setting up for a group shot of vodkas.

A table full of Polish Vodka

Pickled Polish Soup

Borsch with dumplings

Borsch! Served with chilled vodka of course

Chocolate Crepes with strawberries

Behind the scenes of the shoot

The team at work

Benny in the Kitchen

Benny preparing some cocktails

behind the scenes

April 2, 2012 / bonniesavage

Camera Cookie Campaign

For my latest mailout campaign I have decided to send out camera cookies. Delicious cookies carefully crafted to resemble cameras.

Image of Diana cookie

The above cookie is designed to look like a camera from the 60’s called Diana. The base is a butter cookie, and royal icing adds the colour.

Photograph of Polaroid cookie

This one is designed to replicate a polaroid camera from the 60’s.

photograph of photos printed on a biscuit

I also had some of my photographs printed on some of the cookies, so that they look like polaroid prints. They are completely edible and some of them are specific jobs I’ve done for clients.

photograph printed on cookie

camera cookies designed like 60's cameras

Bonnie Savage logo sticker on the cookie

I used stickers with my logo and website details to seal the back of the packaging and keep them fresh, then I wrapped them in brown paper and string ready to send. After my view master campaign, I am getting pretty skilled at wrapping boxes in brown paper!

cookies all wrapped up

photo of half eaten cookie

April 2, 2012 / bonniesavage

New Website!

At last I have my brand new website up and running. Its much faster than my other site and has a new interesting layout. I had a lot of fun putting it together as I have added quite a few more galleries. Here is a photograph of the homepage, go have a look!